October 28, 2012

pndohq Background History

• Founded as Pa-O National Development Committee with 7 volunteers from Pa-O Women’s Union, Pa-O Youth Democratic Organization and Pa-O Welfare and Development Team on the 4th of November, 2001.
• Reorganized as Pa-O National Development Organization (PNDO) on the 19th of August, 2002, to cover a wider geographical area and to work more effectively and efficiently to reach the

goals and objectives of the organization.
• At present the PNDO is run by 20 staff members including 1 director, 1 foreign affairs coordinator, 4 managers and 14 officers.


Improving standard of life of Pa-O people


The Pa-O National Development Organization providing humanitarian assistant to Pa-O people and other ethnic people whose living along the Thai-Burma border and the Internally Displaced (IDP) areas. Founded in 2002, is committed to ensure that the essential health, education and social needs of target populations are met and that their standard of living is elevated. PNDO also works to preserve the traditional and cultural heritage of the Pa-O and other ethnic people.


Improve education, health and social well-being of target population.


good luck

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